About Me

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I am an amateur writer, just getting my feet wet. Blogging for me will be a launching point to get some solid writing done leading up to the eventual completion of the book that hides inside of me.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

This is it. My first official blog.

My mother always told me to never put on paper what you don’t want someone to read. So with that in mind the idea of putting my thoughts online for the world to see is a bit daunting. Not that I have any illusions of grandeur by anticipating being read by thousands or even hundreds of people. But the thought that people CAN read it if they want or if they stumble across it on the World Wide Web does make me stop and think twice about what I’m going to put here. At times my writings will be about family (as with my next blog The Great Bathroom Project), sometimes I will get personal letting you know my feelings on a particular topic of choice, or it may be a commentary of a news item that catches my eye. With the political dynamics of the day there will be plenty of fodder to choose from.

There has never been a time, in my political experience, where there was more of a need to research, stay informed and speak out. This is also the first time in my life that the fear of being ostracized for speaking my mind is overwhelmed by my bone deep belief that I am doing the right thing.
This will not necessarily be an anti-Obama, anti-Democrat blog. My hope is to write about the facts and let people make their own conclusions. But, with that being said, I have no problem stating where I differ with Obama, Progressive/Liberals and those who wish to give up our rights and freedoms to foreign powers or governments. You will never doubt where I stand on whatever issue I'm writing about.
To the right you will see a slideshow of my most favorite place on earth...Scotland. There is nowhere in the world like it and it is what I truly would call God's Country. It's peaceful, it's slower paced and it's where I would live if I had a choice about it. I hope you enjoy the pictures I selected. Check back again as I will probably update them adding new views from different trips.
Now, you have a brief idea of what to expect. I do welcome comments of any kind. Knowing that people are reading and care enough to have something to say about it is why I'm here.


  1. can't wait to hear what you have to say. Love Scotland myself.

  2. Way to go, Elaine! I'll be eagerly checking in regularly.

  3. you are in my favorites now. looking forwards to hearing what you have to say.
    From Cory

  4. Awesome! I am tuned in. Got it in my Favorites!

  5. Having read some of your writings in the past, like you say in all topics, I look forward to reading you also Elaine. You have a wonderful quality in your writing and of course I share many of your same views! Good luck! :)

  6. Thank you ladies...and Bob :)
    It's so nice to know you are all here. Now to go find something of interest to write about LOL.


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